Eaton's Cooper Power PEAK Substation Transformer

No longer available

Eaton's Cooper Power PEAK Substation Transformer



Eaton's Cooper Power series PEAK substation transformer is filled with Envirotemp FR3 dielectric fluid and is uniquely designed to manage increased loads and temporary overload capacity without loss of life expectancy compared to mineral oil-filled alternatives. Offering the ability to operate beyond full rated load from 12% to 22%, the transformer’s smaller, lighter footprint further enhances value.

Core Features

  • Designed to improve performance in terms of kVA rating, compact dimensions, lighter weight, safety and sustainability
  • Offers increased overload capacity (with 55/75 or 65/75 °C slash rating)
  • Utilizing an advanced high-temperature insulation system approach and an optimized core and coil design, a 75 rise PEAK transformer results in a smaller footprint and a lighter unit capable of the same ratings as a physically larger 65 °C AWR rated unit


